Legal Notice

Cincinnati Bell Inc. is now doing business as altafiber, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC is now doing business as altafiber Network Solutions and Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories is now doing business as altafiber Connected Services.

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You may download, use, and copy the materials found on altafiber Web Sites for your personal, noncommercial use only, provided that all copies that you make of the material must bear any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice located on the site, which pertain to the material being copied. Except as authorized in this paragraph, you are not being granted a license under any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right in the material or the products, services, processes or technology described therein. All such rights are retained by altafiber, its subsidiaries, and/or any third party owner of such rights. You may not create framed links to altafiber Web Sites without express written permission from altafiber.

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The altafiber company names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are the trademarks or service marks of altafiber, or its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively "altafiber"). You are not authorized to use any altafiber name or mark in any advertising, publicity or in any other commercial manner without the prior written consent of altafiber. Requests for authorization should be made to altafiber's Trademark Manager.

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Do not send us any confidential or proprietary information. Any feedback, data, answers, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, or the like which you send to us will be treated as being non-confidential and non-proprietary and you agree that any such information you choose to provide may be reproduced, used, and distributed by us for any purpose without restriction

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altafiber is not responsible and shall not be liable for the listings or advertisements contained in its Web Sites, and those listings or advertisements may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors notwithstanding our efforts to eliminate them. We do not check for licenses, with respect to licensed professions or trades, prior to publishing advertisements and we do not assume the responsibility of monitoring the use of trademarks, certifications, copyrights, or other rights of third parties. altafiber may make improvements and/or changes in the products, services, and/or programs described in these materials at any time without notice. The materials on altafiber Web Sites are provided to you free of charge, "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY altafiber COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, USE, OR DATA WHETHER BROUGHT IN CONTRACT OR TORT, ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH ANY altafiber WEB SITE OR THE USE, RELIANCE UPON OR PERFORMANCE OF ANY MATERIAL CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED FROM ANY altafiber WEB SITE.

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