
altafiber's environmental vision is to connect people, free from waste or pollution, enhancing environmental quality and health in our communities.”

This statement combines our environmental ethic with our long-held commitment to being great neighbors and community members. Our commitment to environmental leadership is another way we prioritize health, safety, and wellness for our employees, customers, neighbors, and the ecosystems with whom we are interdependent.

In our environmental policy, we commit to continuous improvement of our environmental policies and practices, and to fully to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. But that is only a foundation. To proactively prevent pollution and protect the environment, we will:

  • Take urgent, meaningful, science-based climate actions, reducing first our own greenhouse gas emissions and those emitted by others on our behalf.
  • Favor sustainable procurement, with the aim of using environmentally responsible products in balance with quality, availability, and economics.
  • Eliminate waste associated with business activities, materials, and equipment, and seek reuse, refurbishment, resale, or recycling before disposal, whenever possible.
  • Stay abreast of new technologies and innovation to assist with environmental protection and adopt new technologies and practices where effective and feasible.

Environmental, Social & Governance Report

Material Cycles

We partner with Green Planet 21 to reclaim cabling from our network and return the materials in the cable–strategic materials for the tech industry–to the economy via recycling. Since 2012 our Green Planet 21 partnership has reclaimed over 13 million pounds of cabling.

Refurbishing and/or Reselling Equipment

When a customer returns on-premises network equipment to use, we first attempt to refurbish and/or resell equipment to extend its functional life.

Recycling Electronics and Customer Equipment

When a customer returns on-premises network equipment to use, we first attempt to refurbish and/or resell equipment to extend its functional life.

E-Waste Collection

When a customer returns on-premises network equipment to use, we first attempt to refurbish and/or resell equipment to extend its functional life.

Environmental News

Keep up with Environmental Sustainability at altafiber

Climate Action

In 2021 we made a long-term commitment to be net-zero carbon emitters by 2040. In 2022 we announced our interim goal of reducing our carbon emissions 40% from our 2021 baseline by 2030. Our targets align with those recommended by the Science Based Targets Initiative’s (SBTi) guidance for Information and Communications Technology companies like us, and contribute to the global effort to limit warming to 1.5-degrees Celsius.

solar panels

Facilities & Network

We pride ourselves on recognizing the value of green buildings for the environment, health, and productivity of our employees, customers, and visitors. altafiber has:

altafiber store

Community Partnerships

  • Our two active "green" employee resource groups (ERGs) engage with each other and in our communities to serve and protect the environment. Our ERGs are the Go Green Initiative (GGI) in the mainland U.S. and Canada, and the Malama 'Aina in Hawai'i.
  • We are an active member of Hawai'i Green Growth’s Sustainability Business Forum
  • We are a member of the Cincinnati 2030 District
Community Partnerships