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Welcome to our valued partners!

Our Corporate Program provides exclusive discounts on popular altafiber products and services.
You can continue to reach us for sales, service and support through your dedicated support line - just click on your company's name in the list below to learn more. We value your business and thank you for being a loyal customer of altafiber.

Looking for Affinity Partners in Cincinnati? Click here.

Program Benefits

Here are just a few of the great benefits you receive for being a Corporate Partner with altafiber:

  • Free installation
  • Exclusive discounts not offered to the general public
  • FREE Upgrade to 1 Gbps Internet with TV Bundles
  • Ask about the $25 Referral Program
  • A direct line to a local altafiber retail location, where a Senior Communications Representative will be ready to help. If all agents are busy, please leave a detailed message and you will receive a phone call back within 24 hours.

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